Wednesday, June 19, 2013


“Maua mazuri yapendeza,
Maua mazuri yapendeza,
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
Nyuki lia we!”

That what what was sung
…he saw a flower n zoom he went,
A beautiful flower from the highlands
A blossomed flower
It looked like it budded each day

Ever seen a flower smile so bright?
Like a bee with all the elegance,
He settled on top the flower,
Combining his charm with hers
The result was epic

Zoom …they went together
To the hills of bliss
The queen was all over his eyes
Printing a smile of settlement
So they decided

…decided, they will decide

 … ©Smears of Bliss ........................................ Vinn 2013

1 comment:

  1. The world deserve to see this,u so amazing hmm i just love them
