Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Have Fallen

I have fallen in love
.......fallen in love with words love with words that describe a woman in beauty
...............that clothe her with respect and character.
A dime!

I have been courting
........been courting the words that make me a man
...........that make me a gentleman.

I have dated..
......dated the words that describe sex in a holy way
..........that give morals to love making!

I am drowning..
......drowning deep in love, with the words that give light to darkness..
............that opens eyes even when deep in sleep!
A jump-starter!

I am in a wedding a wedding, ted a knot for life with words that drive my engine
.........that give a kick to my direct injector!
My machine!

I adore...
......adore the words that make up only one Word!
..........that although 'words don't really grow on trees', this Word is a tree!

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn 2010