Thursday, June 30, 2011


By this name,
I belong to a motherland with reason
That I, son of the village horn have to live by

By this name,
I acquire a title sometimes within a season
Either good or bad, as time pass by

By this name,
I carry my ID with accreditation
Of being a peace loving citizen, sometimes a lullaby

By this name,
I pledge to help my neighbour towards freedom
Stand to be counted as a responsible member of society

Whenever I think of raising a machete to dice
Swinging a sword to slice
Or whisking a gun to bruise…

…I reflect my mirrors to notice the ashamed recognition
When I say “I am Kenyan”
And stop before I start,
…This life abortion.

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn 2008

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Words Dont Grow On Trees

Muviki, listen
Words don’t grow on trees I tell you
He whose tree bore a natural beauty
Skin so smooth, a banana tree trunk
Eyes, the moon gets its light from therein
Body shaped like the brown gourd, home of the ‘karubu’
To him pour this my cup

Muviki set your nets to catch this
That I, son of the village horn
I alone hold the keys to the goat house
Where chicken greet visitors by the big ‘muuku’ tree

I only know where the cows can fish for grass
Know where they can hunt for clean water
I, draw water from the sun!

Muviki, please don’t let the dogs roast your antelope
The one that your father tested his ‘utumia’ by
Travelled far and wide, and then waited for its horns to curl!
But, let your feet wade on ‘kyaa’
And your fingers ache with white milk
Then sit down on the three legged stool and enjoy
As the meat flows in your human river

Muviki, words don’t grow on trees

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn 2006

A Unicorn's Ride

Over your rainbow, a unicorn flew
He was sent 2 find me....
And said by you…
"Climb aboard" he whispered,
"We must go 4 a ride...."
And into a portal of light we rode inside.
The sky was so blue,
The fields so green
With each explosion of light was a wonderful scene.
So happy we seem.
And always 2gether, there was no end 2 your dream.
It just went on 4ever.
Then the unicorn said,
"I have 1 more surprise,
So we took off quickly and pierced the sky.
Then I saw you sleeping en dreaming on your bed....
I caressed your body and kissed you on your head.
The unicorn interrupted....I must get u home,
But now that u have seen her dream,
May you never feel alone
My heart is feeling heavy,
A fire burns inside.
Thank you so much my darling for the unicorns ride.

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn 2011

Fly My Darlings Fly

Fly my darlings fly.
Light my candles of sweet smelling sky
Young and swinging words witty

My world awaits your majestic beauty
Yet still curve your cares for me clear

Drawn to places others wouldn't dare
Affect many more with butterfly wishes
Return to me in spring with many misses
Live to touch many lives with butterfly kisses
I am taking time to smell the flowers
Nothing can triumph in this lives’ clovers
Glide traveling to warm climates
Sent upon me wings and prayers

Fly my darlings fly
Lets write blue in this white sky
You then will smile as my darlings fly.

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn 2010

Prison break

Give me my degree and let me go
Free me from this prison of mind
The world of numbers and letters and expressions
Of increased formulations and complications
All in the name of getting that rolled up paper; the degree

Like in an overflowing prison with inmates
All I know is all I want to know
In this life of always in books
Trying to perfect the land of the uncertain; the future
Of which is supposed to be better
But not with education alone but,
With wealth and money and women with morals

Looking back, we still need that path of mud
The one called classes and lectures,
Boring and entertaining, educative and bogus alike
To reach to our key of that door of our prison
Graduation, here we come!
We are breaking out to freedom and problems
In life that never lessens its callousness
But at least free from the 8-4-4 of today

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn 2010

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Outward Bound!

This is happiness and joy
In a land where rain never fails
Where love grows when the clouds darken
And the singing of the birds increase
In innuendo of sweet swinging bliss
Should I say beautiful?
Maybe an understatement…
Angelic, out of this world
I could continue, I could write
But the experience is better
The lights, natural
The moon,
The cold brings an aura of love
What if she was here?
Do I need another blanket?
Oh! Maybe
The serenity, the company
Outward bound!

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn

My Beloved Guide, DAD

This book, I made, for my beloved guide, my dad…
They say, “like father-like son”, some truth, yes!
But in real sense the son works towards being like the father and more
My dad is the best, trust me
He helps me to be the best and more so the greatest
Starting with lessons to grow, spanking if I mess up,
Rally round my class work, a little correction and rewards on my progress
This is what I have grown with.
Making me who I am though I have some little secrets!
Secrets of growth! Recoup from your wayward thinking!

As chapters in my life close and others open
My dad remains to be the best in everything he does for me
Although the urge of doing better in easier ways,
Pulls me away from him sometimes, I realize and rush back
Sporadically I blame myself for not asking before I do something
Then again this is the quintessence of men, to go it alone!
My dad always reminds me, “Easy does it in life!”
Pleased I will in your helping me write the remaining pages
Of my passion, my dream, the start of life on my own!
And in guiding me in the years unread… thank you daddy.

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn

To You

To you, I was offered a red rose and a smile the moment we met
Ice cream it is … that is what I should have thought!
‘This I promise’ you playing and us promising to one another
One of the most down to earth people I’d never want to lose…
The more I find myself a profligate…meeting you while inebriated!
But you held on to me regardless…
I watched you walk through the swinging door
My heart beat,
As if it was going out of style
I put down my drink only to pick it up again!
You searched the area for me…
When your eyes caught mine
I was held there, a slice of grass in a hay stack!
Love swing,
As the night went on with unplanned, planned happenings
Till this day,
It's hard to stop thinking about you
No matter what I try to do
All I see is you
You are on my mind all the time
Time goes on and it gets late
But still it doesn't wait
You just pop into my mind
And it continues just like the hands of time.
Because to you I saw an angel and by that, you are one in mine eye!

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn

Our First Day

Morning, today may be different but today is chosen
Almost chilly but beautiful still spoken
Meeting… maybe a different form of gatherin’
Yet so fulfilling and common

Linda…Her name to be precise..!
And the words “I love sitting in front” from her mouth..
Not from me though, just the smiles
Jesus, where had you hidden her!
Anybody can catch my eye but this was new… yet miles

Killing me softly would be the song to sing
Arguably, not from the usual… but something we shared.
Right from then on… the spoken word drew a wing
I of the male species but unique, why not win?
Unsung bliss from her writing, talk n smile!
King, she made me before I blushed
Indeed she made my days on our first day!

To a friend - Linda - this is for you!

……………….words don’t grow on trees…………..© Vinn

A New Day

Grateful is the man
Who acknowledges the rising of the sun
For when the Sun rise a new day is born
Adding the time and reducing the distance
In the journey to our destiny
A new day casts the old day...
To the history of our lives
The events of the old day become past
Never will they come again
But their effect may turn to worse or better
In the new day
A new day may bring hope
Or it may bring despair and frustrations,
A new day may bring love
Or it may bring hate,
A new day may bring success
Or it may bring failure
A new day may bring joy
Or it may bring sorrow
A new day will change a day to a week
A week to a month, month to a year
Years to a century, centuries to a millennium,
Generation to generation
Civilization to civilization
Above everything it makes sense to be thankful, when the sun rises
For when it does you are able to see the natural beauty,
Hear the birds sing, feel the sweet scent of the flowers that blossom.
A new day is a gift, a special gift from the God our Lord,
We should always thank Him.

from a friend....NOEL